As PA trout opener nears, other states move forward with opening day

  • Turnout was lighter than normal in Delaware
  • New York saw fewer anglers in areas, and crowds in other locations
  • Few problems reported with crowding in Delaware, and Natural Resources Police did ask groups to disperse without issue

While anglers continue to debate if the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission should open trout season on April 18 due to the coronavirus crisis, a few neighboring states already went ahead with their opening days.

So how did it go?

Well, crowding didn’t seem to be much of an issue during the opener in Delaware as turnout was reported to be light.

The opening day of trout season in Delaware typically begins on the first Saturday in April, but this year it was moved up to Tuesday, March 31 to help minimize crowds, according to Nikki Lavoie, spokesperson for the state Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.

While Delaware doesn’t have as many anglers as Pennsylvania, nor the amount of stocked waterways, Lavoie said angler numbers were light for both the modified youth opener on March 30 and the regular opener the next day.

But the lower turnout may not be a direct result of coronavirus concerns, as the opening day change could’ve played a role.

“We did not see the typical number of licensed anglers that have been seen in years past when the opening day was Saturday,” Lavoie said.

She added that there were many out-of-state anglers participating in Delaware’s opening day, but it wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, immediately after the opening day, Delaware Gov. John Carney amended an emergency order to require anyone who enters from another state to self-quarantine for 14 days. Lavoie said the order applies to individuals who would like to fish, hunt or intended to visit state parks and wildlife areas, including the state’s golf courses.

As far as problems with crowds along stocked streams, Lavoie said many anglers were adhering to social distancing guidelines. Agency law enforcement personnel patrolled trout streams, she added, and watched for incidents of crowding.

“When officers observed groups that were not social distancing, they politely reminded the anglers of the social distancing recommendations and everyone complied,” Lavoie said.

New York’s trout season opener was held as planned on April 1. According to a story by David Figura of, hordes of anglers and crowded parking lots were found at two popular spots in Onondaga and Cortland counties. Figura reported that many anglers said they were observing social distancing and only a few were spotted wearing masks.

However, angling pressure was noticeably lighter on several popular trout streams in Chemung County, according to an article written by Jeff Murray of the Elmira Star-Gazette. Murray reported that two of his three angler friends decided to sit out the trout opener due to coronavirus concerns.

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Communication Director Mike Parker said his agency did contact officials in Delaware and New York for feedback on their opening days. As of April 3, the Mentored Youth Day in Pennsylvania is still on for April 11, and the statewide opener will be April 18.

One Reply to “As PA trout opener nears, other states move forward with opening day”

  1. I say leave it closed until things calm down to many people together add drinking into the mix there is a chance somebody going to get hurt ( butt kicked or shot ).then who is to blame the fish commission or the state because they didnt do enough to make sure it doesnt happen.dont think I’m against fishing I fish with 15 or more guys every year and I have a camp in a campground and I’m not doing either I’m just staying safe thank you

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