When it comes to programs designed to aid landowners to improve wildlife habitat, the money and assistance are readily available, but the interest has been […] Read More
When it comes to programs designed to aid landowners to improve wildlife habitat, the money and assistance are readily available, but the interest has been […] Read More
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has implemented measures to protect bats in certain state forests by limiting the cutting of dead trees. […] Read More
While Newton is convinced the test will enable deer farmers to “breed away” from CWD, he believes the same approach can be conducted in the wild.
Do we really need to aid a predator whose population is already on the rise? And if so, what’s the benefit?
If the reintroduction of bobwhite quail is a success at Letterkenny, the agency hopes to expand the effort beyond the depot’s borders, according to Andrew Ward, PGC quail biologist.
These are the images that remind us that, in nature, when a predator kills its prey, it’s not always pretty.
Sure, a particular species may be here today in great numbers, but that might not be the case tomorrow.
“Unfortunately, our hunters will have some reduced opportunities, but the reduced bag limit is what’s best for the resource right now,” – Waterfowl Biologist Nate Huck
“It’s hurting bad. You can only do so much online,” said Rick Watts, a member of NDA’s Pennsylvania State Advisory Council. “I have no idea where we’re going to go with this whole thing.”
Harrisburg – Revenue from natural resource extraction – including natural gas – is the largest source of income in the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s budget. Since […] Read More